M.I.A. Cribs

Okay, so at the moment I have Z-E-R-O time to write anything but I wanted to post some pictures. First, some pics of our new place. No, we haven't hung anything up yet and it's been almost three weeks and we haven't put everything away but such is life. Look out for a few Halloween pics later!

First and foremost, the bar cart

The den of love

The place I spent at least half of my time

The dining room/place to store all the stuff we don't know what to do with (i.e. drum kit)

Our pet plant, Karen O


Our pet koala

Not our actual pet, but I love this guy. He looks like he's wearing those fake glasses with the big nose attached. I want one.

Speaking of which, I keep feeling bad every time I need to black out CG's eyes, so this time I decided to give her sunglasses.

And finally, here is a picture from the weekend we last went back to Iowa for the wedding. CG's fam allows us to sleep in the same room, just not the same bed. Well, for the first time ever (in her family's house), CG decided that she wanted to spend the night in my bed with me. BUT, her family has the habit of waking her up in the morning by coming into the room and pouncing on her. While this had never happened while I was there, we were sure that it would probably happen the one time she decided to sleep with me. So, we set up the bed with a fake CG

It really doesn't look like the back of her head at all, but I thought it was hilarious. And yes, her dad did end up almost walking in on us (he may have actually walked in, but I was totally pretending to be dead). CG shot out of bed and said, "(awkward) Heeeeey! What are you doing???" (and then to make matters worse) "I don't have pants on!" Well assuming that he did see us in bed together, that probably isn't the first thing he wants to hear.

Best thing that happened that weekend: I didn't get killed.

Funniest thing that happened that weekend: I got hit on by this REALLY weird looking guy with a mullet. I had to break his heart though because he wouldn't stop following us and he didn't even have anything fun to say. At least I know, I've still got it.

older shit || newer shit

Mimseylou signing off - 2006-06-28

haaappy (mostly) pride - 2006-06-27

I fell in love this week - 2006-06-21

ranting for no reason - 2006-06-19

Heart be still - 2006-06-15