
So I just checked my referrers and for some reason, people got linked to me through like ten French sites (not all of them porn). I'm not so sure how the hell that is even possible. The only thing I can think of is the reference to an entry in which I was talking about letting my little sister do my makeup and us looking like French transvestite prostitutes

Yesterday I came across a real-life worst case scenario. I really had to go to the bathroom (the number 2 kind). When I stepped into the ladies room there were already two stalls occupied with no movement (no pun intended) or noise coming from either one. Great. All of us are just going to have to wait each other out. Not two seconds later, two more squatters came to stake out spots on the pots. Every single stall was occupied by people who had to poop but couldn't poop with anyone else in the room. That's 8 people all waiting for everyone else to leave. I just left. I didn't even bother to pretend to flush or make noise to make it seem as though I was just there to change my tampon. And I laughed on my way out because I was wondering who would win this game of waiting.

older shit || newer shit

Mimseylou signing off - 2006-06-28

haaappy (mostly) pride - 2006-06-27

I fell in love this week - 2006-06-21

ranting for no reason - 2006-06-19

Heart be still - 2006-06-15